The Re-Wild Challenge

Wildlife in our school grounds (Part 1)

Key Stage 1 & 2, Years 1, 2, 4 - 6

National Curriculum Links - SC2, Geography (KS2)

Aims & objectives

Pupils should learn:
  • That there are different kinds of animals in the immediate environment
  • To treat animals and the environment with care and sensitivity
  • To observe and make a record of animals found
  • To reflect on and talk about what they like and dislike.
Animal welfare objectives
  • To raise awareness about the wild animals that live in the local area.
  • To create a class code of conduct to reduce the impact of human activity on wild animals and their habitats.
  • To encourage respect for wild animals and their habitats.
At the end of this activity:
  • Most pupils will: recognise that different animals live in the local environment and name some of them
  • Some pupils will not have made so much progress and: recognise that different animals live in the local environment
  • Some pupils will have progressed further and will also: suggest reasons why different animals are found in the different environments.


Agreeing a code of conduct
  • In this activity we will be observing wild animals outside the classroom – children will explore how they can ensure that they see as many animals as possible.
Take a look around
  • The aim of this activity is to look for wildlife, their habitats and evidence that animals are in the area.
  • How would making the school grounds more attractive to animals improve the grounds for pupils as well?
Extension ideas
  • Exploring pupils’ attitudes to the different animals seen in the grounds /use the evidence for sorting activities / vote for your favourite animal.

Learning styles: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic.

Additional information: It would be advantageous that staff don’t show a fear of insect

"It's all about encouraging people to participate and learn about the natural world through hands on discovery."

About WildAid

Established in 1991 as a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre, WildAid has been making a difference for wildlife welfare throughout the UK ever since.


The projects run by WildAid depend upon the generosity and kindness of our supporters.



Tel: 07833 248352
