Reflections 2015

WildAid recently held it's AGM and we are really pleased to share upon the successes and achievements during 2015.  (Warning, this could be drier than a 'well done' Christmas turkey!)  A small charity based in the Northwest we have:

  • Delivered workshops to 162 students studying a further education or tertiary level course.
  • Delivered workshops to 720 high school pupils across Lancashire.
  • Delivered workshops to 115 primary school pupils across Lancashire.
  • In partnerships and community groups delivered workshops for 860 primary aged children across the Northwest.

We get a lot from attending public events - 8 large events have been really enjoyed in 2015

We have a new website where our supporters can enjoy and keep up to date with our news. Our co-ordinator is trying his hand using Twitter and has promised to be better!

WildAid had a third year delivering an education programme based at RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre and Cattery in South Cheshire. Our achievements here include:

  • The development of a school wildlife grounds engagement project. An intra primary school competition distributed throughout Cheshire, Shropshire and Staffordshire.
  • Developing a woodland habitat creation scheme. To date approximately 1.9 acres of immature woodland has been created for future educational use and conservation.
  • Designed and developed out-reach educational workshops and an assembly which targets primary education.
  • Recruited 3 new volunteers to support the delivery of the education programme.
  • Engaged with Crewe 46 The Princes Trust, a group of young adults, currently NEET, who have designed, fundraised and delivered a new Sensory Garden and Learning area at the centre.

We also:

  • Attended 3 community events.
  • Hosted 2 natural history bat walks attended by 33 members of the public.
  • Delivered workshop sessions to 365 students studying a further education or tertiary level course.
  • Delivered workshops to 90 primary school pupils.
  • Delivered workshops to 48 children at beaver, cubs, or guide groups.
  • Delivered out-reach workshops to over 200 primary school children.
  • Delivered 21 ‘wildlife club’ public sessions which have been attended by 155 primary school aged children.

So if you have reached this point - well done!  What does all this mean and why is this important?

In a time when the impact of humans on wildlife accounts for thousands of casualties each year and the natural environment compromised by human impact, we understand that young people in particular continue to become increasingly disconnected with the natural world. The impact of our work reinforces positive stewardship to young people about the natural world and is influential in providing a healthy benefit for wildlife welfare and social engagement. We are being asked to deliver more and so 2016 and looking ahead should be an exciting and fulfilling time. 

Without your support we would not have managed to deiver this vital engagement. WildAid would like to thank you all very much and we hope you will continue to support our work. All our very best wishes for a very Happy Christmas - WildAid Charlie and the WildAid team.

"It's all about encouraging people to participate and learn about the natural world through hands on discovery."

About WildAid

Established in 1991 as a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre, WildAid has been making a difference for wildlife welfare throughout the UK ever since.


The projects run by WildAid depend upon the generosity and kindness of our supporters.



Tel: 07833 248352
