Walk 4 Wildlife
The countdown to a Guinness World Record™ Breaking attempt is 2.15 pm on May 19th 2017. Walk 4 Wildlife will be attempting to set a new Guinness World Record™ by organising the biggest sponsored walk ever held and we want you and your school to ''put your best foot forward' for WildAid.
Every school in the UK is invited to hold their own Walk 4 Wildlife as part of a mass sponsored walk. You choose where to walk and there is no set distance or pace - you can walk for 30 mins or 3 hrs, it's up to you.
The only criteria we set is that everyone will need to be walking at 2.15pm on the 19th May, to be included in our Guinness World
Record™ attempt. The current world record is 231,635 people all walking at the same time!
To take part all you have to do is fill out an enquiry form on the Walk 4 Wildlife website www.walking4wildlife.com/schools-walk and enrol your school. You will then receive an information pack with details on how to register to give the money your school raises to WildAid.
Why support WildAid?
We work for British wildlife and for people. The impact of our community work transforms people's lives. We have been connecting people with the natural world for over 20 years and we want to keep transforming peoples lives for future generations. Here is some feedback about our work:
- Children were constantly engaged which reinforced their learning
- You are much needed in schools
- Your work means students gain vital knowledge about the environment and it has improved their literacy, motivation and development.
We will be using your sponsorship to deliver our wildlife ambassador workshops. We know that never before have young people been so dis-engaged with the natural world and we know we all have a part to play and 'making a difference' for future wildlife ambassadors and the natural world.
Walk 4 Wildlife ambassador are saying:
‘I am pleased to support Walk 4 Wildlife and I hope that as well as raising money for your favourite animal charity, the events help to highlight some of the issues facing many of our planet’s most vulnerable species’ Chris Packham
‘I wholeheartedly support this initiative. It is a great opportunity for kids all around Britain to step up to nature’ Simon King, OBE
As well as taking part, you can help us spread the word by sharing the link to the Schools Walk on social media:
Twitter and Facebook
The Big 5 - Five unique sponsored walks around the UK (June-October).
Anyone can sign up for the five unique sponsored walks organised at locations around the UK.Throughout the summer of 2017 five very different sponsored Walks for Wildlife will be organised, at five very different locations. The season starts in the Sussex South Downs with a 'Three Distance Challenge' and ends with a 20-mile night safari walk in the New Forest. Let's do it for WildAid and for wildlife.
Let's get students, teachers and parents walking for wildlife - lets raise money, enjoy the outdoors and help British wildlife.
Charity Manager Charlie welcomes all WildAid supporters out there teaming up and walking for the future wildlfie ambassadors.
Good Luck!
For further information about WildAid, please contact: Charlie on: +44 07833 248352 or info@wildaid.co.uk
"It's all about encouraging people to participate and learn about the natural world through hands on discovery."